Photovoltaic Systems for Farms and Small Agricultural Businesses Near Des Moines & Cedar Rapids, IA

Photovoltaic SystemsPhotovoltaic systems, also known as solar energy systems, are becoming more and more popular for farmers and small agricultural business owners in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and towns throughout Iowa. These photovoltaic systems can help you to reduce your dependence upon traditional forms of energy almost entirely, and at Current Renewable Efficiencies (Current RE), that is precisely the goal we have in mind.

We only install photovoltaic systems from industry-leading manufacturer Phono Solar. Each PV panel that we install is:

  • Guaranteed to have a positive-only power tolerance (to within 5 kW), so you can trust that the listed power output is the initial output you will receive, if not more than what is listed
  • Designed to have direct current (DC) converted to alternating current (AC) through a transformerless power inverter, which minimizes power lost during conversion
  • Capable of providing real-time output information to a smart phone, tablet, or computer via a wireless router, allowing you to check on your equipment when you’re within range of the router
  • Backed by a warranty that protects the actual product itself for 10 years, as well as a 25-year warranty guaranteeing specific power output standards for each year after installation

If you’re interested in learning more about the photovoltaic systems that Current RE can install for you to revolutionize how you source power to run your operations in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids, IA, please contact us today. We’ll be glad to tell you more about each PV module we can provide for you and explain how we can help you receive all of the federal and state tax rebates and other incentives for which you qualify to reduce the installation cost for your solar energy systems.