Wind vs. Solar: Which of These Renewable Energy Systems is Right for Your Needs in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids, IA?

Renewable Energy SystemsWind vs. solar renewable energy systems may not be an age-old question, but it is one that you should consider thoroughly when looking to have one or the other installed at your farm or small business in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Reason being, both solar energy systems and wind energy systems have their unique advantages, and it can be highly beneficial to do your fair share of research and homework before purchasing one type of system or the other.

When deciding between different types of renewable energy systems for your farm or small business, be sure to keep in mind that:

  • Solar power systems are ideal for farmers and small business owners who currently have a barn or other structure with a south-facing roof upon which to place the systems, or for those who have a large tract of land to store these systems
  • Wind energy systems are typically better suited for farmers and rural small business owners with limited space who are looking to maximize their square footage for more renewable energy output

Whether you decide that solar or wind is better for you, Current Renewable Efficiencies (Current RE) can assist you from conception to installation. We proudly install a range of solar energy and wind energy systems, and we can help you determine which systems will best serve your needs. And, we can even assist in helping you apply for all the federal and state tax credits for which you qualify.

To discover more about different types of renewable energy systems and find out which one is right for your needs, please contact Current RE today. We proudly install both solar and wind energy systems for farmers and small business owners in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, IA.