Commercial Solar Power Made Simple for Farms & Agrarian Businesses Near Des Moines & Cedar Rapids, IA

Solar PowerMore than ever before, solar power is a viable way for farmers and agricultural business owners throughout Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to more effectively run their operations. At Current Renewable Efficiencies (Current RE), we provide photovoltaic solar panels to small businesses throughout the area, and take care of everything from project conception to installation. It is our ultimate goal to provide you with a 1:1 input-to-output ratio for power to harness just the amount of energy from the sun that you need to operate, helping to reduce your dependence on traditional power sources almost entirely.

The solar power systems that we provide are:

  • Manufactured by industry-leading Phono Solar in a controlled facility
  • Produced with a guaranteed positive-only power tolerance, which means the stated output on the box is the minimum output that you will receive initially
  • Able to be monitored, in terms of power generation, remotely and instantaneously, with help from an integrated wireless router
  • Protected by a warranty that protects the panel materials themselves for 10 years and guarantees minimal solar power performance for an astounding 25 years

For additional information about Current RE and how we can find the right solar power system to adequately fill your needs, please contact us today. Be sure to inquire about how we can assist in helping you receive incentives from the government, as well. We are proud to be one of the foremost solar installation companies serving agricultural businesses in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and other nearby IA communities.